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Marissa McCormick//SMAD
Meet Marissa McCormick This week we are featuring sisters from the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority. Marissa is urban grunge with a passion for...

Kyle Brinkley//Accounting
Meet Kyle Brinkley Kyle is our 6th feature from our shoot with Young Life College. Year: Junior Personal style in one word (or a couple):...

Anna Goodrich//Communications
Meet Anna Goodrich Anna is our fifth feature from our shoot with Young Life College. Year: Junior Personal style in one word (or a...

Ian Buchanan//SMAD + Sociology
Meet Ian Buchanan Ian is our fourth feature from our shoot with Young Life College. Year: Sophomore. Personal style in one word (or a...

Korey Beckwith//Communications + Psychology
Meet Korey Beckwith Korey is our third feature from our shoot with Young Life College. Year: Junior. Personal style in one word (or a...

Chris Herring//History + Pre-Law
Meet Chris Herring Chris is our second feature from our shoot with Young Life College. Year: Senior. Personal style in one word (or a...

Danielle Guirgis//Psychology
Meet Danielle Guirgis Danielle is our first feature from our shoot with Young Life College. Year: Junior. Personal style in one word (or...

Kylie Skorupa//International Affairs + Spanish
Meet Kylie Skorupa Kylie is our third installment of our feature on Phi Alpha Delta, JMU's Pre-Law Fraternity. On a first interview, I...

Andrew Sabo//Communications + History
Meet Andrew Sabo Andrew is our fourth and final installment of our feature on Phi Alpha Delta, JMU's Pre-Law Fraternity. On a first...

Scott Ingram//Political Science + Philosophy
Meet Scott Ingram Scott is our second installment of our feature on Phi Alpha Delta, JMU's Pre-Law Fraternity. On a first interview, I...
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