Raquel Sheriff//SMAD
Meet Raquel Sheriff
Raquel is a part of our 'Abroad' series. She is currently studying in London.
Year: Junior
Major: SMAD
Personal style in one word: Indecisive
Song that is the soundtrack to your life: 'Fresh Off the Runway' by Rihanna or 'Diva' by Beyoncé
Style icon: Rihanna, Beyoncé, and I hate to admit but I do bring some Kim K into it and Khloe K as well. I guess I do look at fashion blogs a lot, and see what I can pair together.
Favorite stores to shop at: Forever 21, New Look, H&M
First date outfit: Some black knee high suede heels, jeans, leather jacket and a rocker tee.
Style inspiration: Fashion blogs, sometimes I just see a picture somewhere and want to dress like that, seeing inspiration in everyday life. London’s a great place because people are very daring.
Trend you wouldn't try: I really want to but I don’t think I can try the Dior plexi heels– they’re a ¾ boot with a glass heel. I have the height for it, but I don’t think I could try that one.
Favorite thing in your closet: A good fur coat– now that I’m in Europe I can play with them.
Favorite London trend: Minimalistic look, which is like an oxymoron for me because I do like to be over the top.
Favorite part about studying abroad: Dancing on a stage at Opium night club in Barcelona.