Karen France // Graphic Design
Name: Karen France
Year: Sophomore
Major: Graphic Design
Personal style in one word: Sporty
Favorite Type of Music to Get Ready To: Probably rap
Style icon: Not really
Favorite stores to shop at: Charlotte Russe or Dick’s Sporting Goods. I also really like hand-me-downs
First date outfit: Probably some jeans, boots and a T-shirt that’s not a T-shirt
Style inspiration: Pinterest – basically anytime I want to put an outfit together I’ll look there
Trend you wouldn't try: I probably couldn’t pull overalls, but I have worn them before
Favorite trend right now: Flannels
Favorite thing in your closet: I have this shirt that’s really flowy. It’s like a knit hoodie but it’s a actually a shirt.
Favorite part about fall fashion: Hoodies