Jennifer Dierkes // Nursing
Name: Jennifer Dierkes
Year: Junior
Major: Nursing
Personal style in one word: Comfy
Favorite Song to Get Ready To: "Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift
Style icon: There’s this YouTuber named Arden Rose, whose retro style I really like
Favorite stores to shop at: Forever 21, H&M, J. Crew
First date outfit: Jeans and a nice shirt
Style inspiration: Pinterest for things that are outside of the norm from what I’d wear, if it’s not just I’m going to class fashion
Trend you wouldn't try: The bell-bottom pants — they’d make me look so short
Favorite trend right now: Probably like, high-waisted pants, more so shorts than jeans. I think they’re really flattering.
Favorite thing in your closet: I have this really nice silk kimono that I got from Tobi that goes well with a lot of things. It makes any outfit look a little less casual.
Favorite part about fall fashion: I really like wearing jeans and sweaters and they're kind of looser so it’s generally more comfortable than summer fashion. Plus I really like the colors, I really like maroon.