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Nicole Tran//CSD

Meet Nicole Tran

This week we are featuring members from Alpa Phi Omega, a community service fraternity on JMU's campus. Nicole is the cutest chick you'll ever meet.

Year: Senior

Major: CSD

Personal style in one word: I’m really simple but I’ll add a little spice with different details in clothing or jewelry.

Why is personal style important to you: Not only is a form of expression but personal style helps you learn to love yourself and allows you to become comfortable walking around in your own body.

Style icon: I like Lauren Conrad but I also love Rihanna. Yes, they’re both so different but they bring sweet and spicy to the table.

Dream vacation: I’ve always wanted to go to Brazil.

Favorite stores to shop at: Urban Outfitters and TJ Maxx. Those are the main stores.

First date outfit: It’s not like I’ve been on lately. I’m not really experienced in that category.

Style inspiration: I feel like walking around. I know that’s simple but if you look at other people and see what they’e wearing, too, you can alter their outfit to match your personality.

What do you feel most comfortable in: Yoga pants and a big, loose off-the-shoulder t-shirt.

What's your favorite part of APO: The service projects. They touch on a lot of different agencies and a lot of different needs that I wouldn’t have know about until I joined APO.


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