Shannon Daly//Marketing
Meet Shannon Daly
This week we are featuring members from Spoon University, a new club on campus for college foodies. Shannon mixes bohemian with unique pieces to create a look that is only specific to her.
Year: Junior
Major: Marketing
Why is personal style important to you: I’ve loved clothes since I was little and I’ve grown up around fashion because my uncle is in the business. It’s art for me. It helps you become a better you.
Style icon: I've always loved Diane Kruger.
Dream vacation: Probably a tour of the UK and Ireland because I love it there.
A trend you wouldn't try: I’m not into when people try to pull off the flat-rimmed hats. That Urban look is not for me.
Favorite stores to shop at: Free People and ASOS.
First date outfit: That would require being asked out on a date but I would probably do ankle boots, black jeans rolled up and probably a Free People tunic.
Where do you find inspiration for your style: I like to look through catalogs. I also follow personal stylists and models from ASOS and Free People on Instagram.
Daily makeup routine: I use primer, foundation, eyeliner, mascara and blush.
What do you feel most comfortable in: Leggings, my Frye boots and a big sweater.