Emma Thompson//Nursing
Meet Emma Thompson
Emma, our first installment in our Orientation group, carries herself with class and grace.
Personal style in one word: Yoga pants.
Style Icons: Lauren Conrad. Her stuff is professional without being frumpy.
One piece of advice to underclassmen: It’s cliché, but get involved. There are more opportunities that you could possibly take advantage of so be a sponge and soak it all up in the 4 years here.
Favorite places to shop: Target, Trader Joe’s, Pac Sun, TJ Maxx, Francesca’s, little small boutiques unless they’re crazy expensive.
Dream vacation: Even though it’s pretty childish, I want to go to Disney World when it’s not crowded. Last time I went, there was a three hour and 42 minute line to meet Elsa and I was bummed to say the least.
Coffee or tea: Coffee—pretty wimpy. The more Coffeemate and sugar, the better.
Best part about being a FrOG: Our first years were the bomb. I loved all of them. Bell Hall had a really great staff—they were all so awesome. Our whole dorm was such a good team. I enjoyed waking up so early every morning to go hang out with them.
Why is personal style important to you: Personal style reflects your individuality, your interests; it says a lot about a person. Looks aren’t everything but it allows you to express yourself. It’s called the Little Words Project and they’re really cool because you pass them along and share them and they’re a great way to brighten someone’s day. They’re just so positive and I love them.