Gloria Patterson//Marketing+SMAD
Meet Gloria Patterson
Gloria, our final installment in ASA's session and also our first installment in our feature on the 22807 Magazine staff , channels her Korean and American culture to create a style that is utterly unique.
Personal style in one word: Comfortable.
Where do you find inspiration for your style: I find inspiration for my personal style from bloggers, stylists, and magazines. I’m also inspired by cultures…I like that when I’m back home in Korea, I’m not completely Korean or American with my style, and vice versa.
Style Icons: Off the top of my head, my two favorite style icons are Rachel Zoe and Aimee Song. Completely different styles, but they both dress in elegant and inspiring ways.
How would you describe ASA's style: It’s impossible to describe ASA’s style in a few terms or sentences. Everyone in the organization is so incredibly different, and I love that about being in a sorority. People often has this misconception that everyone in ASA have one style, one personality, one this, one that. We’re not and we don’t. I think what makes us really a whole comes down to the morals and beliefs, but in regard to our style we’re extremely eclectic. We can be boho-chic, preppy, European-inspired, California-casual, and the list goes on.
Does being in a sorority influence your personal style: As cheesy as it sounds, it does feel like I have 200 plus sisters and a multitude of best friends, which means a never-ending closet. There are girls in the sorority who dress alike and there are girls who dress in polar opposite ways. My friends keep me up to date on new stores and trends, so they definitely influence my personal style.
Favorite places to shop: My favorite stores actually change with seasons and pieces. I shop at a lot of different places, but I relate my style to Zara, Free People, Urban Outfitters, and my favorite one-stop shop store is Nordstrom.
Dream vacation: My dream vacation changes on the regular, but right now it would be to Thailand. I visited when I was younger, and I remember it being absolutely beautiful. But that memory is so vague, I want to go again to really soak in the beaches and the culture.
Coffee or tea: Coffee…but I do have 15 boxes of tea in my apartment and they’re all mine.
Is there a trend you wouldn’t try: The creeper shoes that are super platform with a pointy front. Stella McCartney really jumpstarted the trend, and Zara has created similar ones. I just know it wouldn’t look flattering on me because of my height and body frame. It’s important for people to know to not always follow every single trend. Some trends aren’t made for your body shape, but you can easily work a trend to make it work for your body
Song that never gets old: "Kiss the Rain" by Yiruma – I grew up playing the piano, and the song can instantly put me to sleep.
Why is personal style important to you: Personal style is a form of self-expression. It tells you how you’re feeling that specific day, and it can tell you a lot about your personality. It’s important to me, and it’s important that I invest time into what I wear because it’s a way to say who I am without opening my mouth.