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Mahala Gates//Social Justice

Meet Mahala Gates


Mahala and her sister, Kaylana, both sisters in the service sorority, Gamma Sigma Sigma, each portray the rare but fantastic personal style that encompasses edginess and comfort. They complement each other on a daily basis, whether it's because they're borrowing each other's clothes or just natural sister intuition that is tugging them in a specific style direction.

Mahala, a Sophomore, is your all black chick without being gothic.

"My personal style in one word is definitely weird," Mahala laughed.



Mahala, who is also popular among many social media platforms, cites those exact sites as some of the inspiration for her style.

"I am a Tumblr person so I like to look at fashion blogs on Tumblr. I find inspiration from shopping, too, like looking at Urban Outfitter’s and what they feature. I also get it from people watching. I like to see what people are wearing and see if I can pull it off." Chances are, she usually can pull it off.

As far as a specific style icon, Mahala's is certainly unique.

"Harry Styles. He’s like the biggest one which is weird since he’s a man. I like androgyny in style, so it really does make sense."

Mahala is definitely not your typical sorority girl; she is a fashion crusader in every sense of the word.

"Personal style is the one thing that you can easily change. With me, I really don’t follow a specific style. Depending on what mood your in, you can wear all black or wear colors. It’s a good creative outlet if you can’t express yourself in other ways. It’s such an easy thing to do."



Fun Facts:

Coffee or tea: I’m usually a tea person but I’ve been getting into lattes lately.

Dream vacation: I love New Zealand and Austrailia. I want to go to Thailand and all of those countries. There’s a lot of fresh fruit which is great.

Favorite social media: I love all of them. What I go to the most is Tumblr since it’s always different.

Trend she wouldn't try: The whole combat boot and knee-sock thing. Overalls are coming back and I feel like I would look like a 2nd grader. Or fur. I can’t do that.

Daily makeup routine: I do everything everday. Primer, foundation, contouring, eyebrows. And then various eye makeup that depends on the day. My favorite product is my eyebrow gel. Eyebrows are important to me. I love all my lipsticks too. I have dark purples and black which I break out when I go home. They’re too inconvenient for school.

Thoughts on her sister's style: That’s hard. We’re similar but a little different. I would say that she’s the edgy JMU girl. She takes it to an extra level that people wouldn’t be comfortable with because she doesn’t care. She wears a lot of statement stuff where as I don’t.



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