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Kaylana Gates//Political Science

Meet Kaylana Gates


Kaylana Gates is one of two sisters featured in this week's Thursday Threads. Kaylana, a Junior, has been cultivating a style that embodies absolute comfort. At the shoot, Kaylana loved showing off her XL sleep shirt that she had decided to wear. And it looked fantastic on her. Few people are able to pull of a style that is simple, comfortable, and chic, and Kaylana does just that. Look out for an article featuring Mahala later today.

Kaylana and Mahala are close. When asked where she finds her style inspiration, Kaylana answered without skipping a beat, "My sister, Mahala." As far as celebrity icons, Kaylana feels that Miley Cryus pre-breakdown was the mecca of personal style.


It was incredibly evident in our short interview how close the two sisters really are. "We definitely share clothes. Oh yeah. I showed up to school yesterday in her flannel. She was like, 'I was looking for that!' I actually have all my own clothes today! I’m literally wearing a sleep shirt."

Kaylana shrugged when I asked her where she shopped, but then she perked up. "I get all my mom’s hand-me-downs. And I love Gap. Gap is life."




"Growing up, my parents were always like 'do what you want to do.' I’ve always been allowed to express myself and I hate when people feel like they can’t. Wear clothes that you want. If you feel good, that’s all that matters."

Fun Facts:

Dream vacation: Somewhere really remote. I don’t want any electricity. No showers. Just some water and somewhere for me to sleep.

What do you feel most comfortable in: I have this one jean shirt from Goodwill. It’s like a 2X and it’s my favorite. It was wrinkly which is why I didn’t wear it today. On a normal day, yes, but not in pictures.

Trend she wouldn't try: Pants below the belly button line.

Daily makeup routine: I throw mascara on and then I throw eyebrow filler on, and then I clean it up.

Thoughts on her sister's style: Perfect.



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