Tess Badenhausen//Hospitality Management
Meet Tess Badenhausen
Tess is a Jersey girl at heart, but when it comes to style, she will always dress for comfort.
Favorite article of clothing: I love knee socks to be comfy. And I love my converse because they remind me of summer.
Personal style in one word: Beachy-bohemian
Style icons: Lauren Conrad and Mila Kunis.
Favorite places to shop: I love Free People and Aritzia and TJ Maxx.
Dream vacation: I want to go to England and visit Windsor Castle.
Is there a trend you wouldn’t try: Preppy makes me want to barf.
Date night outfit: I’d probably wear a pair of denim shorts with white converse and a flowy tank top. That’s what I would wear normally so I just want to be myself.
Song that never gets old: “Babba O’Reilly” by The Who.