Say Yes to the PROM Donation Drive!
We’ve all been there. You’re flipping through your closet and at the very very back, you spy it: your prom dresses. You feel weird throwing them away because of the memories they hold, but you know that you’ll never wear them again. Luckily, your prayers have been answered! Finally a way to clear some space in that closet, and best of all, it’s for an absolutely amazing cause.
Say Yes to the Prom starts with a national prom dress donation drive that celebrates deserving girls (that's where you come in!) from the Greater DC Area, to help build their courage, confidence, and improve their self-image. The girls are invited to a full day event held annually at Discovery Communication’s Global Headquarters and hosted by TLC where they select a Prom dress, get a full make over, and end the day with Monte at a red carpet event. Doesn’t that sound just wonderful?
Pass along your beautiful gowns to those who aren’t as fortunate. Prom is one of the most memorable events of our adolescent lives; it’s our duty to make sure every girl gets to experience that.
Threads had an absolute blast at the first donation drive. The event was stocked with delicious cupcakes from The Cupcake Company, and a JMU’s favorite, Campus Cookies.
Discovery Program teamed up with JMU’s School of Media Arts and Design. Interns for this program, Erin Greene and Molly Hoffmaster, are leading the charge. They’re hoping to collect over 500 dresses this semester. Let’s help them reach their goal!
The next two events are March 17 from 6:30-9pm in Grafton Theater, and April 21 from 12-5pm in Taylor 206. Even if you don’t have your prom dresses at JMU, let Molly and Erin know; they can get them shipped, free of charge! Threads hopes to see you there!

Photos by Jake Toth and Chris Jezior