Sparkle While Sweating
By Kayla Rasmussen
When people feel good they do good. It’s a constant cycle. If you eat healthy, you make healthier decisions, like working out. But unfortunately, sometimes working out does not make people feel good. After spending about 30 minutes on the elliptical and checking my tomato red face in the mirror, I am definitely not feeling too good. I look literally hot, really over heated in fact, but do not feel hot. If you are unhappy with your appearance, you are probably going to stay in the gym for ten minutes, tops. The whole time you are there, you try to avoid making eye contact with the lunging hulk in the back corner, who you secretly wish was your spring formal date.
But how does one look somewhat cute while working out? I have defied the laws of gravity and found the secret trick of looking cute while exercising. Just so you aren’t disappointed, these outfits will not prevent you from sweating or having your face turn bright red, but I can guarantee you will stand out and look just as cute as you do on a Friday night. And no, I am not going to suggest wearing a crop top to the gym.
My go to gym accessory is the headband. Not only does it keep your headphones from falling out on a sprint, but it also keeps your hair slicked back and looking fresh. I suggest Lululemon headbands or VS Sport headbands because they don’t slip out of place.

2. Wear cloths that fit your body type
When working out, wear something you feel comfortable in. Do not try to wear an XXL sweatshirt to stay warm or squeeze into running pants that are a size too small. Get a pair of your favorite running leggings and shorts and buy them in a few colors. These grey marl leggings match everything that black would but the pattern makes them stand out.

3. Bright is Best
If you are a neon lover, a neon hater, or don’t even know how you feel about it, please just wear it to the gym. You are in the zone and this is your time to focus on your health. No one is looking at you or paying attention, unless you are the lunging hulk, so wear something bright and fun. Working out is supposed to be fun (believe it or not) so wear something to brighten up the mood while you are racing to end that last mile or pushing through your last set of squats.